Certificate of Participation - Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as a Strategic Tool in Improving Governance: A Case Study of Commonwealth Africa

Welcome! GQR is pleased to provide this special facility for our CEO, Dr Omodele Jones, who has been retained as an international expert by the Commonwealth Secretariat. You have applied for a Certificate of Participation in this combined capacity building and research engagement. We now need you to check our database that includes our record of the Engagements in which you participated.

After you click on the link below, you will access the certification database. It is listed by country and organisation. Scroll down to find your listing. If you have not applied for a certificate, your record will not be displayed.

If you have any comment on your record, please email it to admin@governancequalityratings.com by 30 September 2021.

Please click on the button below to start your check.