Your Evaluation & Certification - Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as a Strategic Tool in Improving Governance: A Case Study of Commonwealth Africa

Thank you for your contribution as a valued stakeholder to the delivery of this ground-breaking six-country research. It examined the implementation of ERM in the public sector of selected Commonwealth member countries in Africa.

This final Engagement 6 explains:

  1. the current status of the research (it is completed with publication by the Commonwealth Secretariat in progress);
  2. how you can share with us your assessment and evaluation of Engagements 1 to 5 (as applicable);
  3. our arrangements for sending you a Certificate of your Participation in recognition of the role that you have played in this integrated capacity building and research exercise;
  4. how you can keep in touch, if you so desire, with future developments in this research and in related areas of interest.

Please click on the button below to start this final Engagement.