Managers vs Leaders: the Limits to Board Effectiveness on Corporate Strategy?
An interesting short read on what makes a useful independent non-executive director. Thanks to Soula Proxenos for pointing out! It highlights the importance of the Board's contribution to #strategy: "...Effective Boards spend up to [12] days a year on strategy, compared with just [4] for low impact Boards which adds to the non-executive’s time commitment. These factors will result in the executive team genuinely valuing the contribution of the NEDs and being more willing to engage effectively with the Board..." I am not sure of the evidence base for "12 days". My experience tells me that, for Board contribution to strategy, #quality counts far more than quantity! The #boardofdirectors can give valuable shape and polish to a competent strategy process led by the executive. That requires visionary, principled and stakeholder-goal-congruent #leadership in the executive. Given an executive that is afflicted by " #managers" who can only administer and are absorbed with short term self-interest, the best Board in the world would be hard pressed to be effective!