The Inconveniently Independent Non-Executive Director (INED)
A nugget of a 2018 article. Reminds us of the old drive for INEDs in the Global North: "...boards were...mere extensions of management, a kind celebrity cheerleaders..." In parts of the Global South, the "cheerleading" view still prevails; perhaps due to cultures that hail "the chief" with disdain for "checks and balances". So, overconcentration of corporate power may be relatively unchecked. Mind you, Northern INEDs have had a hard time: "...when the shit hits the fan, [INEDs] are expected to move into high gear, forming special committees that essentially take control of the investigation while conflicted board members recuse themselves... " This is familiar to the unpopular, principled, INED on a Southern Board. When "cheerleading" is loudest, s/he is derided. When predictable trouble emerges, s/he has to salvage his reputation. Bottom line: a principled, competent and experienced, INED is worth his weight in gold to a discerning, stakeholder-serving board. I should know: I hired one for my start-up Board: a valuable "headache"!!