the Profound Account of the Virus Hunter's Personal Battle with COVID Article, Audit, Covid 19Omodele Jones7 May 2020Covid 19, healthComment
"Time's Up?" - Evaluating the Value for Money (VFM) of Board governance Article, Audit, Corporate GovernanceOmodele Jones2 May 2020Risk, Risk Mitigation, Risk ManagementComment
The Inconveniently Independent Non-Executive Director (INED) Article, Audit, Corporate Governance, Covid 19, ExternalOmodele Jones2 May 2020corporate governanceComment
English Institute of Chartered Accountants issues guide to users in understanding audit opinions influenced by COVID 19 Audit, Article, Covid 19, ExternalOmodele Jones28 April 2020Audit, Financial Reporting, corporate governanceComment
IASB Exposure Draft on COVID related Rent Concessions Article, Covid 19, External, AuditOmodele Jones24 April 2020Financial Reporting, audit, Covid 19Comment